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Ways to Serve

  • Altar Guild

  • Sides Persons and Greeters

  • Servers

  • Chalice Bearers

  • Readers

  • Intercessors

Other Ways to Serve

  • Social Event volunteers

  • Social Media

  • Livestreaming

  • Gardens

  • Fundraising Team

  • Pastoral Care Team

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Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild prepare the church for communion services, weddings, funerals, baptisms, Harvest, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and other special services during the year. This includes polishing silver and glass, arranging flowers, linens and seasonal hangings.

Fundraising Team

The Fund Raising Team always needs more helpers!

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The flowers placed in the church for Sunday services are delivered to persons who have been ill, are unable to attend services, or are celebrating an important event that we know of. Delivery takes place after the 10am service.



Our church newsletter is edited, formatted and assembled by a group of parishioners quarterly. We are always looking for more help and new ideas.



Men, women and youth who serve as sidespersons help the wardens take up the offering and assist people coming and going from the Altar rail.



We have several faithful servers who assist the clergy and choir in the conduct of Sunday worship.



Chalice bearers are members of the parish who assist with the administration of communion. They are appointed by the Rector.



We have a number of parish members who on a rotating basis read one of the passages of scripture at our Sunday services, and we are always looking for others who are interested in this ministry.



This group is made up of members of our parish family who lead the congregation in the Prayers of the People at all communion services. Parishioners are encouraged to add names to our Intercessors Book at the entrance of the church so that the Prayers of the People can truly be the Prayers of the People.



Greeting parishioners and newcomers as they enter the church for Sunday services is one of the most important of the many things done at the Ascension. We have two greeters each Sunday, men or women, and would love to hear from anyone who would like to be part of this ministry.



Volunteers are always needed to organize and help with the many social functions at the Ascension, such as Ministry Sunday in September, Thanksgiving, Ascension Day, receptions following funerals and memorial services, lunches for the annual vestry meeting etc.



Our website and Facebook page are updated weekly by a dedicated group of volunteers.



This group assists with the Live Stream of our Sunday Morning Worship.



Our courtyard is lovingly tended by hardworking volunteers to keep it looking spectacular.



For more information on supporting the Ascension financially, please contact the Church Office.



The Fund Raising Team always needs more helpers. Please speak to Ruth Roberts if you would like to join our group. We share the workload.

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