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9/3/2023 Ascension News - Marie Leone, Parish Administrator

Welcome to E-News for the

Week of September 3, 2023

14th Sunday after Pentecost

The Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated on Holy Cross Sunday: September 10. If you or a loved one is interested in baptism, please speak to John+ as soon as possible.

Join us for an Appreciation Lunch,

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Following the 10:00 a.m. Service

We invite you to come together with us to celebrate and show appreciation for Rev’d John who has been our interim priest-in-charge since Feb. 2020.

The menu of BBQ grilled chicken, salads, rolls and dessert is sure to be a big hit. Don’t miss out! Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions when reserving your place. This Lunch is free-of-charge. A sign up sheet is now at the back of the church or you can email Marie if you are not able to RSVP in person.



An Advent Pilgrimage to the Lands of the Bible:

Israel and Jordan

Nov. 24-Dec. 5

Our Pilgrimage is going forward. If you would like to join us, brochures and registration forms are available from the office. If you have any questions, please contact John+ or Marie in the Office.

Bible Study & Lectio Divina – 10:30 to 12:00 Noon

Bible Study reconvenes Tuesday September 12

~~ Will Thwaites, Ministry Leader

Lectio Divina reconvenes Thursday September 14

~~ Dianne Mallion, Ministry Leader

These sessions continue throughout the year.

For more information contact the parish office.

Dates to Remember

Friday, Sept 1 Marie’s day off – parish office will be closed (Labour Day weekend)

Tues Sept 12 Bible Study resumes, 10:30-12 Noon

Thurs Sept 14 Lectio Divina resumes, 10:30-12 Noon

Sun. Sept 17 Appreciation Lunch, after the 10:00am Service

Mon Sept 25 Parish Council, 7:00pm on ZOOM

Wed. Oct 11 Fundraising/Social Committee mtg, 7;30 pm on ZOOM

Wed. Oct 18 Pastoral Team mtg, 2pm in the church

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